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Terms and Conditions

By becoming a member of the SwiftPound website you agree to the following terms and conditions:

1) Site Membership and Termination of Accounts

SwiftPound allows only one account per household / ip address. Only UK members are allowed to join this Website. Anyone outside of the UK & Ireland will have their account terminated without warning. Members must be at least 12 years and over to register on our site. Gambling and Adult offers must not be accessed by anyone under the age of 18 and if detected can result in account termination.

We reserve the right to refuse membership. Further more, we reserve the right to terminate your SwiftPound account at any time due to breaches of our terms and conditions.

Account Domancy

Any dormant account where a user has not logged into SwiftPound for a period of 12 months or more will be closed and deleted, any monies not claimed during this time will be forfeited upon closure.

2) Cashback

As a member of SwiftPound you may earn cashback at many retailers, although every retailer reserves the right to reject the transaction. This is often due to fraudulent transactions or incorrectly completed transactions.

We will make every effort to ensure cashback offers are correctly shown, However sometimes through no fault of our own A Merchant may adjust their cashback rate, therefore, offers may be confirmed and adjusted in your account at a later date.

It's important to note that all transactions you make are not with us but the individual retailer.

Your SwiftPound account will not automatically have transactions confirmed immediately, It may take between 30-45 days for a retailer to confirm as the Retailer themselves has to confirm it.

Should the goods be refunded or the sale otherwise reversed then you will have the amount debited from your account. If you are incorrectly credited the amount, This can be debited from your account at any time.

Cashback can only be added to your account when you are logged into our site and go through our specific retailers links.

All transactions are electronically logged and reported back to us by the retailer. SwiftPound will make every effort to make sure you get your cash confirmed as quick as possible.

You agree to indemnify us against any claims, costs, damages or any other legal expense as a result of misuse of our services.

3) Privacy Policy

Please review our privacy policy which contains how we handle your account. This link can be found at the bottom of our site.

4) Payments

Payments are generally issued promptly on specific payment dates stated when you login. If you do not request a withdrawal then your cashback balance will stay as it is until you do so. Transactions will only be confirmed when the retailer confirms them, We will make every effort to get the cashback credited asap.

We will not be liable for any fees caused by the payment methods used, this is out of our control.

5) Copyright

All copyright, trade marks and all other intellectual property rights on this Website and its content (including without limitation the Website design, text, graphics and all software and source codes connected with the Website) are owned by or licensed to SwiftPound or otherwise used by SwiftPound as permitted by law. In accessing the Website you agree that you will access the content solely for your own personal and non-commercial use. None of the content may be downloaded, copied, reproduced, transmitted, stored, sold or distributed without the prior written consent of the copyright holder.

6) Member Newsletters

All members will regularly receive our newsletter, informing you about Site updates and new offers. You must provide a valid email Address to receive our newsletter.

7) Cookies & IP Address

To help us track the offers you take out on our site you must enable cookies this helps us track and award you with your cashback.Please set your cookies to low or accept all cookies. A cookie is a small piece of information sent by a web server to a web browser, which enables the server to collect information back from the browser. Please refer to our Cookie policy for further information.

You allow us by using our website to track your IP address for security and fraudulent reasons to ensure all offers taken out are valid to protect all our retailers.

8) Transactions being Cancelled

From time to time transactions may be confirmed and then cancelled later on, this is due to fraudulent or wrongly confirmed offers.

9) Advertisers / Merchants

We guarantee all merchants quality UK traffic, We do our very best to eliminate fraudulent data that may affect the leads they receive with quality control checks. SwiftPound can not be held responsible for any damages and losses caused by fraudulent data that goes undetected.

10) Change of Terms

We reserve the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time however you will be notified of the changes made, This generally will be sent via email or notifications on our website.

Terms & Conditions - Modified: 14th May 2017 21:24 GMT

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